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We Got Their Attention With Sorosoke & EndSARS....

...Now, We Need MoveNigeria50 To Get Youths Into Power! 

Join The National Movement to Mobilize, Support, and Empower Under 50 Years Old To Contest & Hold Political Offices All Over Nigeria In The Major Political Parties

Why The Time For MoveNigeria50 Movement Is NOW ...

They Started Ruling Before They Were 30, Now That They Are In Their 70s They Are Still Ruling...Its Time To Get Organized And Take It From Them

How The MoveNigeria50 Movement Will Work And Operate ...

MoveNigeria50's Structure, Admin & Mobilization Efforts Will be Mostly Internet & Social Media Driven

Since setting up physical administrative and mobilization structures will be too expensive for most youths, MoveNigeria50 will take advantage of advancement in technology, internet and social media to pursue its goals. We will use robust website portals, and Social Media structures such as Telegram, Facebook, Whatsapp, Zoom etc to for our organization and administration, conduct meetings and mobilize members on the field.

MoveNigeria50 Will Mobilize and Organize Nigerian youths to get involved from Ward Level, to Local Govt, to State and then Federal Levels

This will involve a massive drive to get the youths to register for voters cards and to get involved in the primaries of each the major parties in the country

MoveNigeria50 Movement Is Organized On A Loose Confederate Caucus level 

Each Ward, Local Govt, State, and national caucuses will elect their own representatives based on local preferences to contest in the major parties of their state. There will be national body which will be  mostly administrative, with power devolving from the grassroots (Wards to local govts, from local govts to States and finally to the central command)

MoveNigeria50 is a Non-Governmental Mobilization And Support Group To Empower Youths Under 50 Be Actively Engaged In Partisan Politics. 

The Movements is NOT going to be a political party. We will remain an NGO with the primary focus of fighting for the rights of youths under 50 to participate in governance in Nigeria, not as a charity or handouts given out by Political Godfathers with short leaches attached, but as a substantive right and as partners for better governance in Nigeria

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