“Harmony has created a sympathetic and young fictional character that I strongly believe will soon capture the imagination of the world in this book. Great novel. I recommend it and hope Harmony will bring out some sequels to this fascinating saga of Nivea.” – Dr Itohan Igudia
“Wow. Mesmerizing. This is an Haunting and gripping thriller from young Harmony. An absolute must read. The sky is definitely the starting point for this young emerging writer. Really proud of you and the breadth of your imagination in this disturbing thriller dealing with mental health issues in adults and as it can affect their children....Bolanle
Well done Harmony for a great novel. Its gripping as it is disturbing. Though the story is fictional, it speaks to some real-life issues that many in society either did not know existed or chose to ignore. I feel so much for Nivea, the protagonist.” – Jennifer Hammond.