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Putting NIgerian Youths To Work On The Global Level By Training and Equipping Them With eVocational Skills


Yes - I Will Like To Attend The STAGE 1 OF THE G-DEEP by attending the  Free ONE-DAY Digital Empowerment Live Workshop in ABEOKUTA, SHAGAMU OR IJEBU-ODE

NOTE: Application for one day workshop  is for ALL NIGERIANS Regardless Of  Residence 

THE ‘GATEWAY DIGITAL EMPOWERMENT AND EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM’ [G-DEEP] is a structured program aimed at positioning Ogun Indigenes for employment and global income opportunities through massive eVocational Skills Training and Certification. 

Participants will go through a 4-Stage process to become professional Digital Business Owners in different online professions ranging from eCommerce, Info Marketing, Freelancing, Affiliate Marketing, Software Creation, Blogging, Product Launch and Local Internet Business Consulting and several others.

Summary Of The Curriculum Of The 'Palliatives-For-life' Digital Empowerment And Employment Program [PFL Project]'

One-Day LIVE 'Digital Employment Possibilities Workshop' With Top International Trainers In Different Senatorial districts

A One-Day LIVE Workshops in each of the 3 Senatorial Districts of the state where all those interested in becoming employed as digital specialists will come for a Full-Day 8-HOUR Digital Empowerment workshops. This one-day LIVE workshop will help participants understand the Major Self-Employment opportunities available online for regular income and help them to identify the option most suited to each individual. This FREE Workshops will break down at least 8 self-employment niches that anyone can start with little or no money.

  • ​Since many of the unemployed or under-employed may not be aware of the many viable self-employment options available on the internet, this first step in the program is conceived as a form of orientation training for participants.
  • ​The All-Day 8-Hour  that will be done both OFFLINE in Key Geo-Political Regions of the and ONLINE through a central training portal for the massive empowerment, will EXPLAIN AND BREAKDOWN each of the 8 most viable self-employment Business options available ONLINE , so participants can understand what it takes to achieve success in each viable option. 
  • ​All the options to be highlighted in the one-day 8-hour workshop will be options that ANYONE can master and become gainfully self-employed within 90—100 days, with proper training.  
  • ​This workshop will be conducted by the State's partners, Afrinet Business Solutions And American internet Business School .
  • ​At the end of the Introductory workshop, participants both online and offline will be required to register for step 2, which is the 30-DAY INTENSIVE PRACTICAL e-VOCATIONAL TRAINING BOOTCAMP 

30-Day Intensive Digital Self-Employment Business Training & Certification Bootcamp

This is the heart of the program. It will provide a 30-day intensive PRACTICAL and COMPREHENSIVE eVocational and eBusiness training to our unemployed youths they will need to employ themselves online earning Naira and Dollars by learning vocational skills to provide online services all over the world and 

  • ​The program will be a 30-Day Digital E-Vocational Skills Empowerment Program that will take the participants through the different self-employment options available online and give them all the professional training and tools they need to become self-employed as Netpreneurs.
  • ​The training programs will be run all over the state simultaneously in 3 Senatorial Districts as well as ONLINE for those who are too far for the centers, with our residual team of Nigerian Trainers, assisted by top foreign partners in Internet Business from the USA AND CANADA.
  • ​Participants will receive PRACTICAL HANDS ON Training in 8 KEY DIGITAL BUSINESS AREAS including 1. eCommerce; 2. Info Marketing; 3. Affiliate Marketing; 4. Freelancing 5. Blogging For Profits; 6. Software Development 7. Product Launch & Activation 8. Local Internet Business Consulting  etc
  • ​Participants will receive CERTIFICATION DIPLOMAS AS 'DIGITAL BUSINESS SPECIALISTS from the American Internet Business School, USA through its local affiliate, the Africa Internet Business School, which will be set up as a subsidiary of American Internet Business School (this has already been agreed with the owners of American internet business school) 
  • ​The 30-day bootcamp will demonstrate and help the participants earn their first legitimate income on the internet before the graduation, in a practical demonstrable way. Prior beta testing shows this is very possible and will be easily demonstrable. 

Summary Of Some Lessons In STAGE II Of The G-DEEP

Info Marketing Mastery

One of the greatest commodities on the planet is information. People will pay through the nose to find the solution to problems. In this training, I’ll show you how to start from scratch and build your a digital info empire or create info products you can charge clients.

Here’s an overview of the training

E-commerce Mastery

Ecom is all the rage right now. But if you’ve been hesitant to jump in and secure your piece of the pie, don’t worry. You’ll learn all the necessary steps to help you get a Ecom empire up and running quickly. Whether for yourself or your doing the tasks for future clients.

Here’s an overview of the training

Affiliate Marketing Mastery

One of the greatest business opportunities online is to be an affiliate. Why? Because you get to make money without having the responsibility of servicing customers and/or products. If that’s up your alley then you’ll love this training.

Here’s an overview of the training

Freelancing Mastery

One of the greatest business opportunities online is to be an affiliate. Why? Because you get to make money without having the responsibility of servicing customers and/or products. If that’s up your alley then you’ll love this training.

Here’s an overview of the training

Enrollment Of G-Deep Graduates In The Gateway Freelancers Internet Marketplace For Freelancing Jobs, Tasks And Projects All Over the World

  • ​The employment and self income generation cycle will be completed by providing a marketplace where  can participants list their services and where employers can also hire their services in a seamless way on the internet.
  • ​As part of the project we will have 2 principal Internet Marketplaces where Ogun State citizens and beyond can list their skills, and where employers from Ogun State, throughout Nigeria and all over the world can get specific micro jobs and assignments done at most affordable rates for employers and businesses 
  • ​In the internet age, many companies and individuals need short term jobs done in areas like Research, Graphic Designs, Video production, Editing, Proof Reading, Writing, Voiceovers, Website Building, social media services, traffic generation etc PLUS a marketplace for buying and selling of products and services. These portals will be the meeting point for skilled labor and independent laborers and for employers. 
  • ​The two critical implementation portals that will drive this all-important step will include a freelancing website (for freelancers to get paid for doing tasks) and an ecommerce website (for buying and selling products and services all over the world)
  • ​Provisionally the site will be as follows: 1. This site will a skill listing site and present a more diversified and advanced job site where professional freelancers can bid for jobs listed by different companies and individuals. 2.  where Ogun state individuals and  businesses will be able to set up their business sites for exposure to the world. 

Digital Works Forum For Continuity Of Interraction And Mentoring For Digital Workers

The purpose of this forum is to provide a continuing education and interaction site for those who are becoming self-employed through the Gateway Digital Empowerment and Employment Program. The forum will be a place where they can interact, learn from each other and bring new products into the digital marketplace. 
The portal will be called will be a forum for G-DEEP graduates to congregate and interact for Business Development, Coaching, Networking, Mentorship and self-development in digital workplace.

About Sponsors & Training Organizers 

A PPP Initiative Of His Excellency, Prince Dapo Abiodun, in collaboration with Afrinet Business Solutions To Make Ogun State The Hub For Youth Employment And Massive Business Growth

Prince Dapo Abiodun Executive Governor Of Ogun State

..Committed To Turning Ogun State Into the Digital Hub Of Africa For Business Growth And Digital Employment

His Excellency, Prince [Dr.] Dapo Abiodun  is a Nigerian businessman and politician, who was elected the 5th executive Governor of Ogun State in May, 2019 under the platform of the All Progressive Congress. Before his election as the Governor of Ogun, the Gateway State, Prince [Dr.] Dapo Abiodun is the board Chairman of the Corporate Affairs Commission, the managing director of Heyden Petroleum and the founder of First Power Limited.His Excellency is a man committed to tackling unemployed among the citizens of his state, and indeed the whole country using cutting edge technology along with traditional methods. He is also a big advocate of ICT for improving government relations, business growth and youth empowerment. 

Afrinet Business Solutions

[Local Partners Of American Internet Business School]

Afrinet Business Solutions through its partner, American Internet Business School (A.I.B.S.) provides modular internet-based training in the form of Online and Live Training; Recorded Training and Home Study courses for doing business online. The digital training school equips businesses and individuals with the training and skills needed to maximize their effectiveness on the internet, and provide training on key areas of internet business, brand building, communication, marketing and sales
AIBS caters for all levels of businesses and individuals who want to harness the power of the internet to expand their market reach to make more sales and more profits . Whether you have an existing business you want to bring online; or have an online business that could perform better;  American Internet Business School is THE RIGHT PLACE TO BE!!
AIBS Course Instructors' Team is composed of experienced and accomplished experts on all aspects of Internet with proven track records of outstanding successes in business on the internet. They teach you from the PRACTICAL perspective on what really works on the internet as opposed to just providing student with theoretical education.

the g-deep program that will train, certify and deploy over 100,000 unemployed citizens become gainfully employed  through Digital Jobs creation and Digital Self-Employment in 60 days or less!

Some Frequently Asked Questions About The Digital Business Specialist' Scholarships

How Much Is The Total Cost And What will My Application Fee ?
The One Day 8-Hour Empowerment Workshop Is 100% Free for Sponsored Participants by the Ogun State Government
Is This For Me Or Not?
This is for anyone interested in learning how to become self-employed on the internet or who want to start their own digital business on the internet regardless of previous experience or education level.  This is NOT for those who looking for get rich quick schemes; those looking for Push-button success; Shining objects with no substance; or those who would not act on what they learn 
Will There Be Handouts And Recordings Of The Event?
Each scholarship recipient will receive all the materials available for successful completion of the course including live and recorded training, coaching and mentorship 
Who are going to be the trainers for this Diploma Course?
All trainers at the American Internet Business School are all certified international trainers and practicing Netpreneurs themselves. So this will not just be theoretical training but very practical. You will only learn what you can put into practice immediately
What Is the training Format for The Digital Business Bootcamp ?
This will a total learning experience to help participants maximize the benefits of the Mastermind Event. The format will include Classroom training Sessions; Role Plays; Live Testimonial; Q AND A Masterminds, One-on-one Networking; Fun and Games.  

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