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Congrats! Now, Use This Ai Software To Rebrand & Profit From Your Whitelabel Magazines ....

Now, You Can Customize, Rebrand, And Monetize Not Just Your Whitelabel Magazines and ANY Document (Including eBooks, PDFs, PLRs, Reports etc.) In 5 MINUTES Or Less With Zero Technical Skills! 

This Special AI Software Will Help You Get More Authority, More Leads And More Sales With Your Magazines And Any Document [Reports, eBooks, etc]

For A Limited Time, ONLY 197 . $67 Only todayOne Time Investment - NO MONTHLY  FEES

30-day Money Back Guarantee | Special Promo Price | Commercial License Included

Create, Edit, Rebrand

And Share STUNNING eBooks, Magazines, White Papers And Reports With Our Secret Built-In Monetization Technology


In Few hours without websites, traffic or techy stuff…

Even if you’re starting from scratch, the DocStudioFX system is designed to go from ZERO tO 100, FAST!

If you think that DocStudioFXisn't for you...

In Just A Few Minutes from Now,You Will Be…

Why Digital Products Are The Smartest
Way To Grow Your Business And Sales

Selling physical products, whether handmade by the designer, or created by someone else and sold on, is highly changeable, and extremely time-consuming.
There are the added complexities of shipping, international customers, taxes, laws, importing, inventory management, and so on.

Digital products, however, are in a league of their own.

Digital products are easy to distribute, significantly more sustainable, can be replicated infinitely, and are simple to create (not for everyone... BUT You are going to find it… to be the ‘easiest’ thing to do – in just a few minutes from now). 

For A Limited Time, ONLY 197  $67One Time Investment - NO MONTHLY  FEES

30-day Money Back Guarantee | Launch Special LowOne-Time Price | Commercial License Included

Why And How DocStudioFX Was Born?

Note: This is NOT a sob-story about how we struggled and came to the verge of shutting down business – And then we discovered a ‘Hack’ and went on to rise like a phoenix from the ashes – you must have heard those like a zillion time already.

In reality, my team and I run a very successful affiliate marketing company. You will find my name on almost every leaderboard out there.

Right from the start, I knew that I had to make it BIG. Just like the Super-Affiliates, I wanted to live the high-life with minimal work. So, this is what I did… 

And lastly, tested this automated processand got the following results…

And then I did the ‘Unthinkable’… I offered my new system to the same Top-Affiliates from whomI learned the trade – to test it out in their business.

They Just Love DocStudioFX

Doc Studio FX will help many newbies and even advanced marketers to increase their sales. I was so excited getting a full review access to this brilliant tool more-so at a time I was waiting for such a unique product. Doc Studio FX is genuinely a complete that every marketer need.

Venkata Ramana

I am getting more sign ups giving away stunning info products that I create so easily and quickly using Doc Studio FX. The advanced monetization features of Doc Studio FX is doing all the hard work for me to get me tons of leads.

Simon Warner

With DocStudioFx, you can quickly make a variety of Doc (including eBooks Pdf, PLRs, Magazines l, Reports etc) without needing to deal with complex and expensive editing tools. I really like how easy you can further integrate CTA (call to action) to get more Leads and More Sales all from a single app.

Mosh Bari

For A Limited Time, ONLY 197  $67One Time Investment - NO MONTHLY  FEES

30-day Money Back Guarantee | Launch Special LowOne-Time Price | Commercial License Included

Turn Magazines And Every kind Of Document Into A Traffic-Pulling Revenue-Generating Machine

 In Just 3 Steps…

It’s really that simple.

Watch Me Do Just That In 90 Seconds…

Here’s Why DocStudioFX Is Fast Becoming The MOST WIDELY Used Digital Product Creation Tool In The Industry…

Monetize ANY Document

Now every document you put out there would bring in new leads, customers and sales… giving you a massive upswing in your bottom line.
Insert the links to your offers or for products that you are promoting into eBooks, magazines, white papers or reports that you create in minutes using DocStudioFX.
Add your link in single or multiple places inside the document. Take your customers straight to your offer when they are most responsive and likely to buy.

Create Digital Products Fast

The most expensive part in terms of both, money and time, is to create a product to sell or offer as a lead magnet. This is where most of the new marketers get stuck.
With DocStudioFX you can now create thousands of digital products at lightning speed – without breaking the bank and without back-breaking hard work.
Create, edit and share professional eBooks, magazines, white papers, reports etc. in a matter of minutes. No prior skills required.

Premium Templates Included

We have an entire team of designers and marketers working at the backend for you here at the DocStudioFX headquarters. 
These are experts who know how to hook a potential customer’s attention and then literally hold them by the hand and take them to your ‘Call-To-Action’.
This team has created STUNNING templates that are exclusively designed for DocStudioFX members only i.e. these are NOT sold on any platform on the web.
The templates are designed to work best with the DocStudioFX Software. Use these beautiful templates ranging in different categories to help you create amazing eBooks, Magazines, etc.

AI-Powered Drag-n-Drop Editor

DocStudioFX comes with an in-built artificial intelligence-powered Drag-n-Drop Editor. Use the premium templates and create 3D eBook covers, Magazine covers etc. in just a few clicks.
Watch your designs turn into a beautiful piece of art in real-time.
AI Technology ensures that anyone who can point-n-click can use this editor. You don’t have to touch even a line of code.

Rebrand Your Existing Content

Whatever existing content you might have can be turned into a traffic-pulling and leads & sales-generating digital product within minutes.
Rebrand any document using easy to use Drag n Drop Editor in not time and can save hundreds of hours of work.
Just upload any document from your PC, quickly changing the text and images, replace multiple texts and links in the document instantly using the automation feature, add extensive page lock features and share it on social media platforms to collect free viral leads. 

Insert The ‘FOMO’ Factor Into Your Documents

Turn every document into a lead generation machine by introducing the ‘Fear-of-missing-out’ factor at the right time.
When users start to read the eBook, Magazine, White Paper or Report that you have just shared… stop them right when they start getting curious.
Lock specific pages in the document prompting the users for the call to action like opt-in information, sharing buttons, redirect buttons, pop-ups to unlock pages, and build your list in no time.

Add Call-To-Action In The Right Places 

Literally FORCES people to opt-in from INSIDE any of the pages before they can read further, helping you to capture leads instantly.
Add an opt-in form to documents that is set to pop-up at a specific time while users are reading the information on any page… to acquire a lead right when it’s most responsive to your offer.
You can also add a clickable button overlay on any page to help you get the highest possible CTR to your offers... and even upload your own custom images to use as buttons and add whatever text that you want onto these to create a personalised Call-to-Action.

Drive Free Viral Traffic

DocStudioFX is designed to get you the hottest traffic and leads from all the major social media platforms.
Add social media Share Buttons for Facebook, Twitter etc. to show up at any specific page to force the audience to make your doc go viral.
You can even force users who want to read your doc to ‘Share’ the document FIRST before they can read further.

1-Click Link Replacement Automation

Want to use the same digital product for another affiliate promotion?
Take any existing eBook, magazine, white paper or a report that has affiliate links of another affiliate and replace all the old affiliate links with the new link in one go.
No need to manually go to each link and replace it.
You can even replace a website link that is placed all over a particular document with your own website or affiliate link. Save time. Save effort.

DocStudioFX Is The Most Flexible Tool That Works Relentlessly To Make YOUR Work Easy…

And To Make You Tons Of Money & Commissions

Wall Of Fame

DocStudioFX Helped Change The Fortunes Of Many Struggling Marketers

Meet Some Of Our Existing Customers


“I Don’t Need Any More Leads, Sales And Profits”

- That’s Something You Will Never Hear! 

Ask anyone if they would like more leads, sales and profits – and they will never say ‘No’. Go promise the same to your clients and charge them whatever price you want.
With the DocStudioFX Commercial License (included here without paying anything extra or needing to upgrade) – you can confidently deliver well on your word.
For an extremely limited period of time, we are giving away the license (which is valued at $997) free of cost.

For A Limited Time, ONLY 197 $67One Time Investment - NO MONTHLY  FEES

30-day Money Back Guarantee | Launch Special LowOne-Time Price | Commercial License Included

This Is The Kind Of MoneyI Am Talking About…


WP FlipBook Robot

WP FlipBook Robot is WordPress plugin that allows you to browse images, PDFs or HTMLs as a flipping book. It can be used for demonstration magazines, books, cards, brochures, booklets and much more in a natural way. The benefit of this plugin is awesome because it helps to attract user attention and get more engagement.

AutoPDF Embed - WordPress PDF Viewer

AutoPDF Embed helps you to display PDF files on any page of your wordpress website with just a few clicks of the mouse. This enables users of your website to see and download your pdf with ease. AutoPDF Embed is 100% user friendly and result oriented.

WordPress Blogto PDF Generator

Turn any or your own WordPress Blog into a PDF-Catalog
This tool helps you to automatically generate the pdf version of your contents or online articles so that your audience could read offline or even print out.

HyperSociPinterest PRO

This app is set to free you from routine of re-posting your publications to Pinterest boards. Let the HyperSoci Pinterest Pro make it by itself. It is highly customizable and allows to simulate a real human behaviour.
Pinterest is one of the champions of the traffic driving to sites. It is simple to use and powerful tool to attract potential clients to your business. It leads among other social networks in finding target audience, which is most interested in your products and services.
Our plugin allows to set up intervals, time, weekdays and dates for auto-poster to work. It is possible to make auto-poster working with several streams creating individual settings for each.

For A Limited Time, ONLY 197  $67One Time Investment - NO MONTHLY  FEES

30-day Money Back Guarantee | Launch Special LowOne-Time Price | Commercial License Included

One-Time Price - ApplicableONLY During This Special Launch

The low one-time price tag that you see on this page would also expire when this launch ends.
DocStudioFX is going to help you capture leads and make money for years to come. It makes little business sense on our part to offer DocStudioFX at a one-time price (that too massively discounted) … especially given that we would have to provide support to all our customers forever.
Keeping that in mind, we decided to offer this low one-time price ONLY for a few days (i.e. during this launch period) and ONLY to a handful of people (i.e. existing customers of our premium promotion partners).
After the launch, we will cease the sales for some time – so that our new members can maximize their ROI. And when we re-open DocStudioFX to general public, it would be sold at a monthly recurring price of $197.
Act now. You are anyway covered with our ‘No Questions Asked 30-Day Money Back Guarantee’.

For A Limited Time, ONLY 197 $67One Time Investment - NO MONTHLY  FEES

30-day Money Back Guarantee | Launch Special LowOne-Time Price | Commercial License Included

Join The League Of BIG Boys AndGals In This Internet Revolution By…

And Most Importantly You DoAll This Without

30 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee

We have used DocStudioFX to make MASSIVE profits (as you saw above). We then gave it to other experts in the market (you read their verdict). And then we let some beginner level guys take it for a spin (you heard them too).
You have seen the tool in action. You have seen all the proofs. You have even seen the kind of money this can both, make and save you…
We still want to make this an absolute ‘safe’ offer for you. DocStudioFX is backed by our 30-day full refund guarantee (only during this special launch period).
Try DocStudioFX for full 30 days. Create digital products, generate traffic, collect leads and make profits.
If at any point within 30 days of your purchase, you feel that DocStudioFX isn’t doing enough – and you’d like your money back… just drop us a message and we will issue one promptly.
No pressure. Zero risk. No hassles.

Quick Recap Of This Special Offer:

  • ​DocStudioFX - Valued at $4,997
  • ​30 Premium Templates - Valued at $4,500 (@$150 each)
  • ​Commercial License - Valued at $997
  • ​Exclusive Bonuses - Valued at $1,997

Total Value - $12,491

You Pay - $12,491

For A Limited Time, ONLY 197 $67One Time Investment - NO MONTHLY  FEES

30-day Money Back Guarantee | Launch Special LowOne-Time Price | Commercial License Included

You Can Be Successful With Rebranding Magazines Or Any Reports, eBooks etc Working Hard Or Smart

Spending thousands of dollars and countless hours before you even see you first dollar roll-in is not the way to go.
The internet revolution has proved that to be successful you don’t have to be born with a silver spoon with all the resources lined up for you. The likes of Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Ma are a living proof that you don’t need to spend massive amounts of money to be successful online.
You need…

A PRODUCT – DocStudioFX helps you create one in just 60 seconds with an easy to use AI powered drag-n-drop editor

LEADS – DocStudioFX helps you generate hyper-responsive leads with opt-in options

PROFITS – Promote your own offers or that of your affiliate partners to the lists that you built with DocStudioFX to get a permanent supply of real income for years to come

For A Limited Time, ONLY 197 $67One Time Investment - NO MONTHLY  FEES

30-day Money Back Guarantee | Launch Special LowOne-Time Price | Commercial License Included

Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and it’s potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, and don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

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