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Get Certified As Digital Business Specialist...

And Learn How To Master Internet For Business Profits The Right Way Without Headaches and Frustration!”

The Special Diploma In Digital Marketing Program Will Help You Master Internet Business For Yourself And Position You As A Qualified Digital Business Executive 

Yes - I Want Apply For The Digital Business Specialist Diploma  Today.

Dear Entrepreneur

Let’s face it. While everyone agreed that there are almost limitless opportunities on the internet now for any company to acquire new customers, make more sales and increase their profits, everyone also agreed that trying to maximize the opportunity is not so easy anymore..
Everyone also agreed that building an online business OR taking some of your present offline business to the internet can be hard!
It’s basically the one subject online that you can’t fake. Either your business is making money and profiting online or its not.
Now, you’ll have to define how you want to make money online as it can be different for various people.
Some people want to build their own internet empire that makes them millions. Others just want to create a comfortable living with the freedom to do the things they love and helping other executives and companies increase their profits online.

Others still just want to take advantage of the opportunity of the explosion...

in the internet marketplace to help companies and Entrepreneurs who do not have the time to do it themselves, take advantage of the amazing sales and profits opportunities available on the internet
Neither of the above are wrong. It’s just that you have to be clear on which road or path you want to take. However, regardless of the path you do choose, there is one crucial factor that will determine whether or not you will succeed in your online endeavors.
And that’s getting the correct knowledge. Read that again. Not just any knowledge. But the CORRECT KNOWLEDGE! 
Unfortunately, with SOOO much information spreading around the internet, the task of getting the correct information to succeed online is easier said than done.

Getting Information Alone Isn’t The Answer.
It’s Getting THE RIGHT Information That’s The Key!

It amazes me that a lot of people think because they bought a $7 dollar eBook or read some blog post from 2003, that they know everything they need to in order to be successful online. Don’t make me laugh.
If it were that simple, then everyone would be doing it right? But yet, here we are. Tons of people buying tons of courses only to never see the internet riches promised at the end of the rainbow. 
Today, we’re going to change all that. See, it’s not just about gathering information. Heck you could even buy that guru-guy or guru-gal’s $2,997.00 course and still wind up failing.
So why is that? Why is it that a lot of people spend tons of money on information, but still fail miserably?   

I’ll explain why in a moment, but first...

You have to understand that you can gather information all day long. Even after doing so, you still have to know the CORRECT SEQUENCE the information goes in.
This is like someone who’s given all the numbers to the vault code for Ft. Knox. If they get it open, then all the multi trillions of dollars in gold is theirs. But there’s only one problem. They don’t know the correct order of the numbers for the code.
So just like those people, you find yourself in the same place. Gathering tons of information, but not knowing the exact steps to take to get the desired outcome to internet riches and online success.

So What’s The Real Secret To Succeeding Online In Whatever Path You Choose?

First and foremost, you must be willing to do what 98% of the people who try to succeed online don’t do. And that’s being committed to taking action. But not when you feel like it. You must be willing to take action at the very moment opportunity presents itself.
After you’ve committed to taking action, then you have to sometimes be willing to reinvent yourself and learn new, relevant, and up to date skills that will make your products or services you offer extremely valuable while getting you paid now.
Next, you have to get the right road map to where YOU want to go online. Let me explain… 

See, Everyone Wants To ‘Make Money’ Online. But Most People Don’t Define HOW They Want To Make Money

Do you want to...

Sell physical products?

Sell digital products?

Sell other people’s products for a commission?

Generate leads for companies and sell the leads to them?

Run a digital agency generating traffic for companies for a monthly fee?

Become a freelancer and make money working for various clients while traveling the world?

As you can see, there are a number of ways to make money online and this is why people continue to fail. Maybe it’s why you’ve failed. All because you didn’t hunker down on a given method that aligned with who you are as a person.
Honestly, I can see why you would have trouble with that. Spending money here and there with no real guidance can only end in disaster. Especially if you have made a huge investment in some coaching course and don’t have another couple of grand to fork around. 

But What If You Didn’t Have To Go Through That Anymore? What If:

You could learn a number of tactics and honed in on the one that made sense to you? 

The information to do so was all laid out in an easy to follow step by step training?

You could get a tried and true sustainable online empire or successful freelancing income?

You could get access to that information within the next 5 minutes?


A Comprehensive 4-Course Training And Certification Program For Mastering Digital Marketing In 3 Months Or Less Working At Your Own Pace

Why The American Internet Business School? Because It’s The Only Place Where Online Entrepreneurs and Freelancers Can Both Learn To Succeed And Achieve Their Online Goals. 

You’ll find everything you need in our one of a kind online training center. Whether you want to build a digital product to sell, do affiliate marketing, do freelance work, or even start your own agency, you’ll have access to all the up to date training you’ll ever need! Here are just a few samples of some of the training courses you’ll find inside.

Freelancing Mastery

One of the greatest business opportunities online is to be an affiliate. Why? Because you get to make money without having the responsibility of servicing customers and/or products. If that’s up your alley then you’ll love this training.

Here’s an overview of the training

Info Marketing Mastery

One of the greatest commodities on the planet is information. People will pay through the nose to find the solution to problems. In this training, I’ll show you how to start from scratch and build your a digital info empire or create info products you can charge clients.

Here’s an overview of the training

E-commerce Mastery

Ecom is all the rage right now. But if you’ve been hesitant to jump in and secure your piece of the pie, don’t worry. You’ll learn all the necessary steps to help you get a Ecom empire up and running quickly. Whether for yourself or your doing the tasks for future clients.

Here’s an overview of the training

Get Complete 6-Weeks Diploma Course For Only $997.00  $598 (Use 'DBSSPECIAL' Discount Code to get 40% OFF at Checkout!

Affiliate Marketing Mastery

One of the greatest business opportunities online is to be an affiliate. Why? Because you get to make money without having the responsibility of servicing customers and/or products. If that’s up your alley then you’ll love this training.

Here’s an overview of the training

Along With This Top Notch High Quality Training, You’ll Also Receive Online Certifications To Boost Your Earning Power Even More!

Most online courses or trainings just give you a handful of videos and leave you hanging out to dry. You login, watch some training, and...well...hope for the best. But that’s where the American Internet Business School differs.
We want your investment in AIBS to pay you dividends for years to come. That’s why we’ve integrated the ability to: 

Take Exams After Each Video Training

It’s one thing to just watch a bunch of videos. It’s another to make sure that you’re actually learning the material and will be able to use it in your own business or for freelancing work.
That’s why at the end of each video, you’ll receive a short series of questions that you’ll have to answer to make sure you’re getting what you need from the video training.
It’s a great way to learn and retain the knowledge, thus making putting you head and shoulders above the competition. 

Receive Certifications For A Growing Global Marketplace

Along with the exams that you’ll take at the end of the videos, you’ll also receive online certifications that you can use with your online profiles at a number of freelancing sites.
This alone will increase your value in the marketplace as you’ll have verifiable data that you actually know how to perform all the methods laid out in the various trainings.
And while there may be tons of sites that provide some level of training, The American Internet Business School is one of the few that will provide your certification verification to 3rd parties. Thus making your skill set more valuable in the eyes of potential employers and clients.

Friend, Trying To Figure This Out On Your Own Could Take You Multiple Years And A Small Fortune!

Of course you could try and learn all this on your own. You could continue to spend thousands of dollars year after year and hopefully windup with a fraction of what I’m going to lay out for you here all in one place. But my question is, “why would you want to?”
Especially when all trainings included in (name of program) stack one on top of the other like a successful bag of Legos. You’ll not only get the correct foundations in (name of program), but you’ll be able to take on any opportunity that presents itself now and in the future.
All because you’ll know HOW to build any online business and make it sustainable. Not that flash in the pan crap that’s here today and gone tonight.
I’m talking about true online business skills that gets you paid and that people will pay you top dollar to perform for them. 

But Just To Make Sure You Get Off To The Best Start Possible, I’m Going To Include Quick Start Checklists & Mindmaps To Help You Succeed Even Faster!

I don’t know about you, but I’m the kind of person that likes to know what the steps are to any process or money making model I want to achieve online.
While having all the tutorials are great, I’m going to also include checklists and Mindmaps that you can download in each module that will show you how to approach getting results in an ordered manner.
Nothing will be left to guessing on your part. If you want to get results, these checklists are the best way to do it along with the video training. 
Also, Just To Calm Any Fears, I’m Going To Assume All The Risk Today. That’s Why Your Purchase Is...

100% Protected By My Simple Iron Clad Money Back Guarantee

When you get access to (name of program) today, I’m going to make sure your purchase is 100% secured. Go ahead and go through the information and put it to the test. See for yourself how you’ll be light years ahead of 98% of the people who try to build a sustainable online business.
And even after doing all of that for the next 30 days, if you still aren’t 100% convinced that (name of program) delivers on the value promised, I’ll refund your purchase right down to the very last penny. Sounds fair? 

Will You FINALLY Build The Income You Desire That Can Give You A Lifestyle of Freedom? 

Or Will You Continue To Do The Same Old Thing Hoping For Things To Be Different One Day? 

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people doing the same thing day in and day out, expecting for things to change or be different. That’s called insanity. 
And that’s what I want you to avoid. You’re never going to see the financial freedom you desire staying stuck where you are. What you need is a step by step roadmap to help lead you to a tried and true online business you can be proud of, regardless if that’s working for yourself or working for potential clients.
Sure, you could find some ‘loophole’, but as with most people, those things tend to have a short shelf life. And then what? You’re back to the drawing board trying to figure out your next ‘scheme’. 

And is that what you really want? To have an inconsistent up and down roller coaster of income or do you want to be so profitable that you can start saving for retirement, travel the world, and even leave an inheritance to those who matter most to you?
I’m sure you want to truly live life on your terms right? So with that being said... 

Our Digital Business Specialist Diploma Program Is Literally Creating A New Class Of Successful Digital Business Professionals And Entrepreneurs!

Let’s Go Ahead and Get You Signed Up Today...

So as you can see, The American Internet Business School has everything you need. You can literally start going through the training in the next 5 minutes!
Plus, the investment in this one of a kind training is extremely low compared to all the value you’re getting. So it just makes sense to get access now right? Especially since the price can rise at any time. 
So go ahead and use the option on this page below now. Once you do, you’ll be take to a secure order page where all of your information will not only be protected, but also 100% encrypted for safe purchase.
And after you purchase, you’ll be able to access this phenomenal training in only a few minutes from now! 

Go Ahead And Use The Button Below Now And I’ll See You On The Inside

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