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Get Instant Access To ALL 6 Training Courses (For FREE) When You Purchase The Dotcom Secrets Audio Book Right Now!

Total Value: $1279

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When You Invest In The Dotcom Secrets Audiobook, You Will Also Get 6 Additional Training Courses For FREE!

The 1 request I get from people who order the DotComSecrets book is if they can also buy the audiobook version as well.
Up until now, the answer was always NO... but recently I rented out a recording studio and spent two days reading the DotComSecrets book for you!
Right now the ONLY place you can get this audiobook is right here, right now.
If you leave this page you'll never have another opportunity to get the audiobook.
And to add an extra incentive, when you upgrade your order now and get the DotComSecrets audiobook, I'm going to throw in 6 other Training Courses FOR FREE!  

Here Are The Other 6 Tools & Courses That You'll Be Getting For FREE:

Business Tool 1 ($497 Value)

Fearless Netpreneur Magazine [Lifetime Access]

Get LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION for our Monthly Magazine For Advanced Market Updates; Game Changing Articles; Cool Tricks & Tips; and Insider Secrets From Top Professionals [Over 80-Pages Each Month!]
PLUS Full Access To ALL 19 Previous Editions AND Over $1,000 in Bonuses! This is Ultimate Business Information Guide And Ongoing Training Tool for Netpreneurs, Digital Marketers, Affiliates, Vendors, Corporate Executives, Bloggers, Social Media Managers, Freelancers etc

 Some Cool Stuff You'll Get Here:

  • ​  Cool Marketing Tools and Tips From Top Netpreneurs, Marketers And Contributors 
  • ​ Market Analysis; Stats & Reports On Top Converting Products In The Marketplaces 
  • ​ Social Media Updates/Highlights On What's Working & Whats Not in Digital Marketing 
  • ​ 84-Page Monthly Magazine for Netpreneurs, Vendors, Affiliates, Bloggers, Freelancers etc 
  • ​ Dozens Of Game Changing Articles Every Month On Different Topics To Boost Your Sales & Profits

 Some Cool Stuff You'll Learn:

  • ​Blueprint for creating your own internet product for your business: I’ve earned more than $800,000 in the last year. 
  • ​ I’ll share with you different online businesses you can invest in, and give you suggestions to help you succeed as a Netpreneur in all! 
  • ​ EXCLUSIVE access to my most closely guarded online marketing secrets, shortcuts, strategies, systems, test results, tools and resources—for FREE in this book. 
  • ​ Check-list for starting a successful internet business. Most failed because they didnt have any startup success list to guide them!
  • ​ I will reveal several online businesses that you can even start without a dime (though few of them require small start-up capital) and be profitable as you had imagined. 
  • ​ List of over 45 payment gateways you can use for your internet business : I found out that most Nigerians are discouraged because of their inability to get a payment solution company to do online business.  
  • ​ How to write your way to financial freedom: I’m also going to show you how to earn a $1,000 monthly writing from home. 
  • ​ EXCLUSIVE, cost effective ways to market your product and services on the Internet
  • ​And so much, more…

Course 2 ($97 Value)

The Netpreneur Manifesto

In business, it’s not “what you sell” that generates you money.
Here's What The Gurus Have To Say About
The Netpreneur Manifesto?
“Very insightful, straight to the point and the writer Dr. Ope Banwo hit the nail on the head. I was amazed with the kind of information I saw when I was going through it . It’s a ‘Must-Have’ for any serious marketer”
Daven Michaels, Ceo,
[New York Times Best-Selling Author]
“I have read his new book and can confidently tell you this Book is mind-blowing and an eye opener. Its a must read for everyone who is involved or wants to get involved in Internet business as it touches every aspect of Internet Marketing..” Alicia Lyttle, Alicia & Lorette
The Queen Of Freelancing
To the newbie its a must have, to the guru wanna be its a daily companion, to the guru its an indispensable guide. Get it for FREE now before the doctor wakes up from his sleep and realize he is empowering his competitors” Willie Crawford, Trade City Ambassador[World Famous JV King]

Course 3 ($97 Value)

DotcomSecrets - INCEPTION

What Is Digital Business Goldmines?
The Step-By-Step Blueprint Of 12 Hot Internet Businesses You Can Start TODAY, From The Comfort of Your Home, Even If You Have Never Succeeded At Any Online Business Before!
This is really a GOLDMINE! I was struck especially with the way he broke down the 12 easy-to-start businesses in a way that makes it easy for anyone to understand. A Must-have book for anyone who wants to succeed online”
James Overton, Avid Blogger Network

 Some Cool Stuff You'll Learn:

  • ​ Session 1: Inception Secrets
  • ​ Session 2: The Scripts
  • ​ and many more...

 Some Cool Stuff You'll Learn:

  • ​ Session 1: “Funnel Catcher” Introduction
  • ​ Session 2: Turning Your Warm Market Into True RAVING Fans
  • ​ Session 3: Front-End Bridge Funnels
  • ​ Session 4: The Traffic That’s Already Happening

Course 4 ($97 Value)

Turning Your Warm Market Into True RAVING Fans

The age-old question for an Entrepreneur is:
“How do you grow your company beyond where it is right now?”
The KEY to scaling is to access different traffic.
First, there’s HOT traffic - the traffic who loves you, and would buy pretty much anything from you.
Next, you’ve got warm traffic - these are people who are aware of who you are (people on Facebook, people connected through JV partners, or affiliates, etc…)
The last is your cold market - people who don’t know you, and may not even realize yet that they need your product or services.
In selling, you approach each of these 3 categories completely differently. Your pitch and message for your HOT market will sound different than how you’d sell to your warm market.
In this training course, I’ll share everything we do to get people into our sales funnels, and convert them from “warm” into “HOT”...
...and we do this with a very short, very simple process.

Course 5 ($97 Value)

Tapping Into Sales From FREEZING Cold Traffic

Selling to warm or hot traffic is fairly easy.
Think about it:
Your audience already knows you...
They are beginning to trust you and see you as an authority figure...
They know that you can help them in some way...
But in order to grow your business beyond a certain threshold, you need to expand OUTSIDE of your warm market.
So how exactly do you do that?
How do you take a FREEZING cold market who doesn’t know who you are, or how you can help them...
...and turn them into a warm (and eventually HOT) audience who is coming to you for a solution?
How do you talk to people who are outside of your industry...and connect with them in a language that they understand and can relate to?
In these sessions, I’ll discuss the secrets we use to take a cold market who has no clue who you are, and rapidly progressing them to a hot lead who wants to buy your product.

 Some Cool Stuff You'll Learn:

  • ​ Session 1: The 3 Core Wrestling Takedowns
  • ​ Session 2: Jesse Doubek on “Crushing It In Your Niche”  
  • ​ Session 3: John Parkes on “Promo Hacking” 
  • ​ Session 4: Continuity Hacks

 Some Cool Stuff You'll Learn:

For over 90 minutes, he answered the room’s most burning marketing, business, and personal growth questions, like:

  • ​What are the latest strategies for YouTube and Facebook?
  • ​ What is the future of voice-based marketing, such as LiveStream and Podcasts? 
  • ​ For a business/entrepreneur who is just starting out, what should your priorities be? 
  • ​ What kind of role is Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality going to play in the years ahead? 
  • ​ What’s the key to taking an existing marketing/social media platform that you’ve built, and skyrocket your numbers? 
  • ​ When building your brand, what is essential for creating a powerhouse team around you?

...and that’s just the first 15 minutes!

Bonus Course! ($297 Value)

Gary Vaynerchuk Video

We received special permission from legendary marketer and Entrepreneur Gary Vayerchuk to release this amazing Q&A presentation, which was delivered at one of our private events to a room FULL of Entrepreneurs and Influencers.
Rather than keeping his presentation to a single rigid topic, Gary kindly opened up the floor for asking him anything.
Gary is renowned for understanding and spotting trends in business and marketing...
Because of his unique ability to predict marketing shifts, you'll usually find him at the very forefront of a new marketing movement.
This presentation will help you to shortcut years of trial and error in just 90 minutes!

Yes, you're going to get ALL 6 of these ADDITIONAL courses FOR FREE when you get your copy of the DotComSecrets audiobook today!
That’s an extra 18 sessions, and 20 hours of EXTRA training, specifically designed to help you get your business off the ground and making a consistent and reliable profit.  
Why am I doing this?
Because I want to see who's really paying attention, by giving a select few the deal of the century!
If you are serious about marketing online, then there is absolutely no way you can do without this incredible stuff I am practically giving away!
Yes, you're going to get $1279 worth of stuff for less than 70% of their actual cost!
Yup, you heard that correctly, less than 70% of their actual cost!
That's almost $1279 worth of online business training for a measly $47 bucks...

Why would we do this you're probably wondering?

Well there are actually a few reasons... 
First - it's my way of saying THANK YOU for buying the Dotcom Secrets book. 
Second - It gives me the ability to get a few more of my products into your hands, which will help you to grow your company, and hopefully keep you around longterm as a customer. 
I'm a big believer in over delivering in every interaction we have together...
and I want that to start RIGHT NOW for you!

Ok - Ok, I'll Get To The Point, Here Is The Deal:

For the next few minutes, you can get your hands on ALL of this stuff for a measly $47 bucks. 
Here is everything you're going to get again when you say YES right now: 

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When You Upgrade Your Order Right Now!

 Dotcom Secrets Audiobook  ($97 Value)

 Ignite Training Course ($497 Value)

 Funnelology Training Course ($97 Value)

 Inception Training Course ($97 Value)

 Funnel Catcher I: Turning Warm Markets HOT ($97 Value)

 Funnel Catcher II: Tapping Into FREEZING Cold Markets  ($97 Value)

 BONUS: Gary Vaynerchuk Keynote  ($297 Value)

Total Value: $1279

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