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How A Successful Attorney Lost Over $100,000 while trying To Make Money Online And Failed Repeatedly Before Discovering The Winning Formula for Online Success”

The Complete Story Plus His Winning Blueprint Of What You MUST DO To Achieve Breakthrough Without Going through the same pain!]

Here is a Snippet Of what you will learn  from this amazing story of the guru wannabe

This Explosive Story Also Revealed The Secrets For Making Legitimate
Money Online That The Gurus Dont Want You To Know!

What You are about to read is...

The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth. It is my shocking true story as a successful Attorney AND A Guru-Wannabe who tried his hands at making legitimate money online and failed miserably.. before I finally decoded the secrets for Making Money Online and went from total failure as a Guru Wannabe to becoming a leading Netpreneur in Africa in less than 1 year.

My story will help you transform your
Internet Business if you are an Internet Marketer

And If you are NOT A Netpreneur yet, my story will show you how YOU too can make legitimate money online if you are looking for a good source of income. Even if you are not interested in internet income, my Wannabe Confessions will motivate you in whatever business you are in because what I learnt as I struggled to find success online is valuable for anyone who want to succeed in business, and life, in this digital age. 
Either way, what I have to say over the next few minutes will explain why my story can change your financial life as you learn the secrets I learnt in my painful journey as a guru-wannabe 
Please don’t forget to listen to the end of this presentation to hear about the EXCLUSIVE bonuses I have packaged for you just for trying out my book.

So How Did It All Start? 

It was 17 months ago, June 2012, when it happened.
 On that day, I was lazily browsing the internet trying to kill some time between business meetings when I came upon a random email in my inbox, talking about the “Coffee Shop Millionaire.” 
What the hell is the “Coffee Shop Millionaire?” I thought to myself as I clicked the email open.

That Was How I Stumbled Blindly 
Into The World Of Internet Marketing

But first let me tell you a little bit about myself.
My name is Dr. Ope Banwo. I am a very successful Attorney here in Omaha, Nebraska, USA (and in Lagos, Nigeria) and I run several companies in the USA and my country of birth, Nigeria. 
I was NOT broke and I was NOT desperate at the time I chose to become a Netpreneur (or as an Internet Marketer' as some people call it). I was not only making a good income, I actually was paying, and still continue pay, more than 30 staff members in my various businesses in the USA and Nigeria, thousands of dollars in salaries every month. 
So why did I allow the “make money online” bug bite me? Why would I, with everything going on for me, venture into an industry that is being viewed with suspicion by those who have no clue, and with frustration by many who are engaged in it?
I am sure those are the kind of questions on your mind right now.... So I’ll Tell You Why.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been a sucker for starting businesses, new businesses, and making some widely profitable while others have been, quite frankly, major losses.
As a matter of fact, one enterprising journalist once called me a 'Serial Entrepreneur' because of my insatiable need to start and develop new business ideas and concepts. (that report is still showing up when you google my name!)

At the time I decided to take on Internet business, I had several successful businesses going on, including:

I was a born entrepreneur who simply loved to explore new territories and try new stuff. I stopped apologizing for who I am a long time ago. Yeah, sometimes I win big, and sometimes I lose big, but I never lost my urge for new challenges.
So, when I saw that email in my inbox about the coffee shop millionaire, I caught the bug. Though I didnt really understand what 'internet marketing' was at the time, I told myself if that guy in the coffee shop guy could do it, then so could I. I knew I just had to start my own internet company.

And Before You Could Say 'Guru Wannabe', Down The Rabbit Hole I Went…

In a little over six months, after I read that fateful email, I bought over 200 eBooks, Software and Coaching from places like Warrior Forum; over 100 from JV Zoo; and another 50+ from Clickbank in less than 6 months!
If that sounds astonishing, it isn’t. For many newbies on networking sites like Warrior Forum, and other internet marketing forums like it, it is reality. Most have maxed their credit cards to the hilt and overextended their checking accounts so much that they are either in, or near bankruptcy, just to realise their elusive internet marketing dream, and Many have so far failed, just like I also did at the begining.

For many months after my fool-hardy entrance into the internet marketing fray, I also failed to realize my own dream of instant success in a field that a coffee shop guy allegedly made millions of dollars from.
It was really frustrating. For me, it wasn’t about the money per se, it was the scary thought , and looming embrassment, that I couldn’t get this to work.
But I Was No Quitter! I was simply too stubborn to lick my wounds and go away into the sunset. Giving up so easily was simply not in my DNA.
So, the more I failed, the more I continued learning, experimenting, meeting new folks and implementing what I learnt like a mad man.
At first things continued to get worse and at one dark moment, I seriously considered quitting and going back to what i knew best - Law & Entertainment.

Then I Met Some Power Hitters Like Mike Filsaime; Rich Schefren; Alex Jeffreys; Omar Martin; Lonnie Robinson And A Few Others...

...who showed me, through personal contacts; recorded trainings; and their high powered internet marketing masterminds, the real secrets of success in this game.
By interracting with, and studying what these successful guys are really doing, I discovered the real success secrets of the gurus and things started changing very fast for me and my internet business.

Within a few weeks of implementing some of what I learnt from watching these guys, I started experiencing amazing success at a dizzying pace.

And, I achieved all these without doing any serious JVs, Product Launches Or Any Of Those Whiz-Bang Stuff Most Still Beleive You Have To Do To Have Success Online (of course I believe in JVs, and agree that planned product launches are great, but as my book will reveal, you dont really NEED them to succeed as a Netpreneur!)
Today as I take in all of this… I shake my head and wonder, it could have been different. I could have been the man who never succeeded online. What If I had quit? What if i had given in to frustration? Now enough about me. 

Let’s Talk About You!

If You Answered 'Yes' To Any Of These Questions, You Need Help, And I Can Definitely Help YOU.

No, I’m not offering you some high-priced coaching program or some miracle software you only need to click thrice to have green bills raining down on you.
Far from it. You and I know there is NOTHING like that.
What I’m offering you is my own personal story detailing how I went from $100,000 in losses to making hundreds of thousands in profits monthly and what I learnt along the way that turned by online business around.

I Call It ....CONFESSIONS OF A GURU WANNABE: The Explosive True Story Of How An Internet Business Opportunity-Seeker Overcame Obstacles To Achieve Fast And Amazing Success On The Internet . .And How His Confessions Can Help You Succeed Too!”

Here’s What You’ll Discover Inside This Product:

Right inside this shocking confessional book, , I have revealed everything, never holding nothing back. The good, the bad and real ugly stuff I did.
Yes, you get the Genesis of my online business story, and my journey through the abyss. You also get the Revelations I discovered at the end of the tunnel. ALL OF IT. 
Seriously, don’t you think someone like me who has lost $100,000 doing the same very things you are probably doing right now, and in six months overcoming it, can show you how to get out of the hole you’re in now?
 I believe that if you follow my path, you will find success too. But Dont take my word for it. Listen to what the guru have to say about this amazing book.

What The Top Gurus Are Saying About “Confessions Of A Guru Wannabe”

Dr. Ope's book is well timed and could help many aspiring entrepreneurs with what works and what doesn't as well as alert them and steer them in the right direction. …Dr. Ope's book will be an eye-opener and will make people aware of the online marketing industry, from the inside-out.

Dr. Ope Banwo's book is a telling tale of the perils and triumphs of internet marketing. A must read for newbies wanting to make money online as well as seasoned professionals wanting to stake their claim on the internet.

Ope, this is a fantastic journey you have shared with us, and … I think you have identified why so many up and coming internet marketers get stuck buying, not selling their products and services, and the mindset change is crucial to the transformation. This is a great book for people coming into the internet marketing space …to help them avoid wasting their money as many have before us.

This book is one of the best, most useful books that any internet marketing newbie should read. It’s like the memories of many Internet Marketing gurus all gathered in one place. We all made the same mistakes and thanks to you Ope for coming out with absolute honesty and sharing this with others.
I recommend your book to everyone who wants to get into online marketing.

You are going to love Confessions of a Guru Wannabe. Dr Banwo walks you through the dark underbelly of internet marketing and unabashedly shares with you how he got sucked in by it until he realized that he needed a business plan in order to stop going around in circles. This book is so important that it is a must read for marketers just starting out and to all marketers no matter what stage of success they have gained.
It will make you laugh at times, cry at times and I am sure you will find a piece of yourself in this wonderful, fabulously written book. If you want to get back on track and take the steps necessary to be successful online, you need a dose of what Dr. Banwo has to offer.

This is a must read for anyone thinking of doing business on the Internet or already in it
 and wondering why they are not succeeding!!! If you are looking to save yourself from experiencing lots of pain and frustration, and spending a lot of money and time uselessly; read this book and learn from Dr. Banwo's book. It's a quick read and will give you insight into the dark side of internet marketing. Identifying the problem is only half the puzzle. Figuring out what strategies will give you the correct perspective on utilizing the internet toward building a business that makes money is the other half of the puzzle that Dr. Banwo also discusses in his book. I found the book honest and entertaining.

As you can see these are not your run-of-the-mill internet marketers. These are well-heeled successful internet marketers with great success stories and experience. They would know a good book on internet business when they read one
. Regardless of the problems you have been having with your internet business, now you have the chance to learn from the mistakes of someone who went through hell and back in a quest for success online…

You now have a limited opportunity to use his story to explode your own internet business too for a only…

But why ONLY $27 for purging myself of all my embarrassing experiences, leaving nothing out, and then sharing the secrets and golden nuggets I learnt along the way?

I will tell you this: I have been in business long enough to know that people do not value free stuff. Yes they may download it, maybe even love it! But that’s about as far as they go.

The last thing I want is for somebody to download this book, and read only Page 1, then toss and continue traveling the loser’s road. It serves no purpose. Not for me or that person.
So while I flirted with the idea of giving away my “confessions” for free, I knew that it would ultimately be better valued AND USED if I put a price on it.  
This way, you get something far greater in value in exchange for your $27, something that could alter your reality right this moment and take you from the loser’s lane into the path of success and profitability. 
Which is why if you are really, really serious about breaking free from internet marketing failure you shouldn’t have a problem breaking out $29 bucks (or N5,000) and getting it right now.

And Here’s My Challenge To You

If you really want to succeed online, then get this book of confessions here for $27.
And if by the time you’re on Page 9, it hasn’t hooked you by the jugular and propelled you into reading all of it... Or If you’re don’t have at least a dozen ‘Aha!’ moments by the time you’re halfway through. 
Or If by the time you finish it, you haven’t seen clearly what path to take in your journey, then, let me know, and I Will Give You Every Penny of Your Money Back!
 Look it’s JUST $27. You would probably spend it in a fast food joint; waste it on recharge cards for your phone; or even lend it to a friend and think nothing of it. 
Here, however, you have a chance to use it to cause a radical change in your life. If you’re unwilling to use it here, then spend it on whatever else you like.
Seriously. Just know that you’ll keep getting the results you’re currently getting and I know it’s not the results you want.

Think About When You Were A Child...

You felt powerful, thought you could be and achieve everything in the world, and to a large extent you did. But as you grew up, the world rained on your parade, naysayers came into your life – your teachers, family members, your mates, adults around you, maybe even your spouse – they put it into your head that you couldn’t achieve those dreams, that nothing would change.
And they said all this especially when you started online and couldn’t seem to make it work out. Maybe you even believe them.  
All I am asking you is to give yourself another chance. Give yourself the chance to truly succeed and prove all those naysayers wrong. Get “Confessions of a Guru Wannabe” here.

My Special Bonus Worth Over Almost $300 For Quick Action Takers Today (Only First 100 Qualify!)

As a special bonus for the 1st 100 people to pick up this life changing package today, I will give 2 special bonuses valued at almost $300.

10 Deadly Sins Of Social Media Marketing

(Value: $37)

This 44-page book walks you through the 10 Deadly Mistakes people make with their social media marketing and how to fix them to explode your business online with social media.
This Book is selling online right now for $37 but you get it FREE today as one of the top 100 people to purchase The Confessions Of A Guru Wannabe

FREE 1 Year Subscription To “INTERNET MILLIONAIRES MAGAZINE”: 12 Editions

(Total Value: $239)

This award winning Subscription magazine contains tools; tips; resources and articles on internet marketing from the top successful marketers all over the world that will help you explode your profits online. 
This is the Internet Magazine of choice for all serious internet marketers and you get access to digital copies every month for one year (over N45,000 value! [or almost $300) just for purchasing the Confessions Of A Guru Wannabe today!

Very Important Note To These Awesome Bonuses:

This special price of $27 and total bonuses valued at almost $300 is ONLY available for the 1ST 100 PEOPLE to take action today by buying the book. After that ALL the bonuses WILL BE REMOVED! and the price may also be increased.
If you are ready to learn the real secrets of success online and how to avoid the pitfalls that have robbed millions of success on the internet, click on the BUY BUTTON right now to get this award winning book and all the bonuses while they are still available!

Dr. Ope Banwo [The African Internet Visioneer]

P.S. While its true that Internet Marketing is NOT a get-rich-quick business, my story proves it is not too difficult to really make money online. My story is a living proof of that. YOU TOO CAN LEARN WHAT IT TAKES TO SUCCEED FAIRLY QUICKLY AND AVOID COSTLY MISTAKES by reading my candid story in this book and be on your way by learning what I did and how i did it.  
P.S. Remember, this special $27 and total bonuses valued at $300 is ONLY for the 1ST 100 PEOPLE to take action today by buying the book. After that ALL the bonuses WILL BE REMOVED!

Click here to get Confessions Of A Guru Wannabe right now and get the massive bonuses valued at $300!