The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth. It is my shocking true story as a successful Attorney AND A Guru-Wannabe who tried his hands at making legitimate money online and failed miserably.. before I finally decoded the secrets for Making Money Online and went from total failure as a Guru Wannabe to becoming a leading Netpreneur in Africa in less than 1 year.
And If you are NOT A Netpreneur yet, my story will show you how YOU too can make legitimate money online if you are looking for a good source of income. Even if you are not interested in internet income, my Wannabe Confessions will motivate you in whatever business you are in because what I learnt as I struggled to find success online is valuable for anyone who want to succeed in business, and life, in this digital age.
Either way, what I have to say over the next few minutes will explain why my story can change your financial life as you learn the secrets I learnt in my painful journey as a guru-wannabe
Please don’t forget to listen to the end of this presentation to hear about the EXCLUSIVE bonuses I have packaged for you just for trying out my book.
It was 17 months ago, June 2012, when it happened.
On that day, I was lazily browsing the internet trying to kill some time between business meetings when I came upon a random email in my inbox, talking about the “Coffee Shop Millionaire.”
What the hell is the “Coffee Shop Millionaire?” I thought to myself as I clicked the email open.
But first let me tell you a little bit about myself.
My name is Dr. Ope Banwo. I am a very successful Attorney here in Omaha, Nebraska, USA (and in Lagos, Nigeria) and I run several companies in the USA and my country of birth, Nigeria.
I was NOT broke and I was NOT desperate at the time I chose to become a Netpreneur (or as an Internet Marketer' as some people call it). I was not only making a good income, I actually was paying, and still continue pay, more than 30 staff members in my various businesses in the USA and Nigeria, thousands of dollars in salaries every month.
So why did I allow the “make money online” bug bite me? Why would I, with everything going on for me, venture into an industry that is being viewed with suspicion by those who have no clue, and with frustration by many who are engaged in it?
I am sure those are the kind of questions on your mind right now.... So I’ll Tell You Why.
For many months after my fool-hardy entrance into the internet marketing fray, I also failed to realize my own dream of instant success in a field that a coffee shop guy allegedly made millions of dollars from.
It was really frustrating. For me, it wasn’t about the money per se, it was the scary thought , and looming embrassment, that I couldn’t get this to work.
But I Was No Quitter! I was simply too stubborn to lick my wounds and go away into the sunset. Giving up so easily was simply not in my DNA.
So, the more I failed, the more I continued learning, experimenting, meeting new folks and implementing what I learnt like a mad man.
At first things continued to get worse and at one dark moment, I seriously considered quitting and going back to what i knew best - Law & Entertainment.
But why ONLY $27 for purging myself of all my embarrassing experiences, leaving nothing out, and then sharing the secrets and golden nuggets I learnt along the way?
The last thing I want is for somebody to download this book, and read only Page 1, then toss and continue traveling the loser’s road. It serves no purpose. Not for me or that person.
So while I flirted with the idea of giving away my “confessions” for free, I knew that it would ultimately be better valued AND USED if I put a price on it.
This way, you get something far greater in value in exchange for your $27, something that could alter your reality right this moment and take you from the loser’s lane into the path of success and profitability.
Which is why if you are really, really serious about breaking free from internet marketing failure you shouldn’t have a problem breaking out $29 bucks (or N5,000) and getting it right now.
This 44-page book walks you through the 10 Deadly Mistakes people make with their social media marketing and how to fix them to explode your business online with social media.
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