A powerful element of the campaign is encouraging people to experience true biblical community through small groups. Everyone participating is required to join an interactive small group online and curriculum includes a Bible study taught on live video broadcast, followed by a guided discussion time where group members dig deep and apply the truths of the study to their lives every week for the 6 weeks of the campaign.
Even if hosting online groups isn’t your “spiritual gift,” or something you are familiar with, you get to stretch in your faith and see what God does through something as simple as making your home available..
This is the first time the Purpose Campaign that has been a blessing to millions of people worldwide will be done exclusively online. You’ll be a part of this exciting movement of God, helping to bring this life-changing message to people in your circle of influence through the internet..
There are Plenty FREE APPS you can easily sign up for to get a free account use in hosting your own small group online during the challenge. You can get free accounts at at Zoom.us, Skype.com, FreeconferencecallHD App [Check Your Mobile App Store], or Gotomeeting.com. All these OFFER FREE ACCOUNTS FOR SMALL GROUP MEETINGS.
At The Cyber Embassy Of Christ Our Mission Is To Maximize The Power Of The Internet To Help People Come To Purpose Consciousness Through The Teachings Christ, and Empower Them To Become God’s Agents For Global Transformation.
Copyright © 2020 - The Cyber Embassy Of Christ For All Nations